Thursday, August 13, 2009
My mind reading act has been taking up all of my time – ALL of it. This is a bit of a problem. I’ve neglected most everything in my life just to get a solid 30 minutes that can be broken up into smaller pieces should time be an issue (that is, if I only get 5 minutes or 12 minutes, etc.). I’ve been taking routines from elsewhere and breaking them down to the effect itself. Once I’ve found the point of it being JUST the effect, I start building around it. Adding a move here, taking it away and replacing it with something else, writing something substantial to go along with it and so on. In addition to that, I’ve tried to come up with an idea or two on my own, that is, a trick I’ve created myself, one that NO ONE has ever seen. And when I do, it’s a great feeling. The downside to that is, reading a book from the 1950’s and seeing the exact effect I came up with in black and white. An effect that has already been thought of – and worse that that? The effect is BETTER! Oh well with that. I always try to think that at least I came up with it on my own and that proves to me that I’m using my brain to create. When that happens, and it has a few times, I try to shake the feeling of “Is the world against me? Or am I against the world?” But again, I did think of it on my own, but so did somebody else 50 years ago. Moving on! Everything is fitting into a briefcase so it can be a commando act. Anywhere, anytime. And I found a sound system with a great review by a pro (whom I hold their opinion highly) for half the price of the one I was looking at, so it’s only $150.00. Other than that, things are moving along. I'll have four new posts in the next day or so, so...